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Monday, November 22, 2010

Cheap as sin little cock sucking looser

Can you believe this self servicing little fag? He IMs me thinking he's gonna get a free one! This little cum guzzler tried to get me to look at his humiliating pics of him sucking his own cock, then has the nerve not to call me. Well well well, good thing this little bitch knows what a back button is. Let's play some hard balls, oops I mean hard ball – lol! I'll give this loser a chance to redeem himself, he can call back and apologize, but if he doesn't I’ll be showing his sad face to the world not to mention his name, maybe even his e-mail...


  1. Eva here,
    Teehee, what a pathetic loser!
    Asshole has sent his "proofs" to a few of us girls, including me, and I told the idiot that I deleted them...actually I didn't! And I banned his loser ass from chat to boot, haha!
    Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if those pics went viral?

  2. Haha! I can't wait for this little fuck tard's "Fiance" to see these. If this looser has manged to get engaged I know it won't be long before this cock sucker is unengaged!
