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Saturday, December 11, 2010

How I Met My First Sissy Part 2: Special Delivery

So I figured out my shy little neighbors name and room number, all I had to do now was come up with a reason to knock on his door. Not that I couldn't just brazenly knock on his door and let myself in, but my neighbor seemed way too shy to handle such forwardness. Lucky for me, 3 days latter on my way coming in the front dusk guy waved me over. Since we're such “good pals” now he wanted to know if I watch the desk while he took a piss. Sure whatever, I told him, and good thing I did. The second he turned the corner the UPS guy showed up. He asked if I could sign for the packages, sure fine. Well after I signed and the UPS guy left me with all these packages I just so happened to recognize a name. Yup that's right, my neighbor had a package, time now for a special delivery. I got on the elevator with the package and that's when I noticed something else. The box was from this place I order shoes from online. Which
was odd to me because that place ONLY sold womens shoes. How very interesting, I had to admit, my curiosity got the better of me, was this really a pair of womens shoes? If so who did he get them for? Does this mean he has a girlfriend? I had to find out. So I took the box back to my room and opened it. And to my amazement was the most perfect pair of dark purple suede strappy open toed shoes! Whoever the bitch was that these shoes were meant for I was jealous of! I mean, totally cute, shy and buys stylish and EXPENSIVE shoes for his girl – I am so going to steal that! I mean, after all, how could there ever be a girl more perfect than me? Surely I deserve this sweet little Jack more than whatever dumb bitch it is who has him. I put the shoes back in the box and marched right on over to my neighbors door, I wasn't about to get shown up by some dumb bitch I haven't even met! Time to find out what makes this Jack kid tick!

I knocked on the door, and he was home. I could tell he looked through the peep hole to see who it was, completely not expecting me he squeaked, “J-just a minuet!” I could just tell he ran to the mirror to check his hair, maybe change his shirt and throw a few things back in their place. By the time he opened the door he was already breathing deep. “Hi, can I come in?” I said I walked right inside. Jack was stunned, dumbfounded, and utterly in awe with me. But he quickly picked his jaw back up off the floor once he noticed his package in my hand. “Oh this? My total bad! I opened the package with out even checking the name, see I thought it was for me, I get shoes there all the time.” Jack looked horrified, “You opened it up!?” “Um yeah, said it was my bad.” but he was beyond mortified that I opened his package. It made me realize that these shoes were for no girlfriend – they had to have been for him. I was intrigued. “you sure have some good taste in shoes.” I told him. “I – I don't know what you mean...” but Jack knew the jig was up. I went and sat down on his couch. “You know, I would have never guessed they were for you, you have some small feet.” Jack perked up, at the compliment. “Yeah, they are pretty small... want to see them?” Jack took his shoes off for me and stuck his foot out for me to inspect. I was amazed, even a tad jealous, he had the most amazing, delicate, womens size 8 feet. Almost more perfect then mine, almost.

“I've...I've seen you around,” Jack started. “you're so beautiful, I, I can't believe you're sitting here on my couch, complimenting my feet.” I smiled, this would be all too easy, but this wouldn't be like other guys I've gone after. Jack was sweet, delicate, effeminate and I knew he had some secrets he was keeping. I wanted to know more. It didn't take too long to find out the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Just gotta love a sissy with great taste in shoes!
